Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Valve Console Announced (Nerdy News) - Video Games Blogger

?Nerdy News? is a mini-news show geared towards gamers, technosexuals, and all other geeky peeps.

In this one hundredth episode of Nerdy News, I?ll be reporting on:

Here?s the new episode of Nerdy News!

What do you think?

Has Halo 2 online multiplayer had a good run or is it still too soon? Are you encouraged or discouraged by the latest rhetoric concerning violence in video games? Should the industry ?do something? to ?clean up their image?? Or is that already happening organically with hits like Minecraft and Portal? Even if you are sure violent video games do not damage fragile child psyches what would you want to see done to assuage the fears of concerned parents?

Tags: Halo 2

Categories: 3DS News, Mac News, Mobile News, Nerdy News, News, PC News, PS Vita News, PS3 News, Shows, Videos, Wii News, Wii U News, Xbox 360 News

About the author

Laura JonesBy Laura Jones: She blogs about and reviews video games to recapture her misspent youth, growing up gaming on hand-me-down consoles and cast-off computers with three siblings fighting over the controllers and helping each other beat Bosses. Read her posts and watch her video game reviews here and connect with her on Twitter and at Google+.

Source: http://www.videogamesblogger.com/2013/01/21/valve-console-announced-nerdy-news.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+videogamesblogger+(VideoGamesBlogger)

dickens greg kelly

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