Friday, March 1, 2013

Rosh Yeshivat Beit El - Yeshiva World News

melamedHaRav Zalman Baruch Melamed Shlita, Rosh Yeshivat Beit El, released a statement that Bayit HaYehudi will not agree to anything that will harm the yeshiva world and the lomdei Torah.

The rav was responding to a Bnei Brak rosh yeshiva who was inquiring as to the dati leumi party?s position regarding the sharing the burden issue and the planned drafting of chareidim into the IDF or national service.

?Bayit Yehudi will not play a hand in diminishing funding for yeshivos or the number of lomdei Torah continuing to learn? he is quoted as saying. ?I believe this is how they will conduct themselves. Nevertheless, the majority of its representatives will adhere to the words of the rabbonim for there cannot be a version [of an agreement] that is not approved by the roshei yeshiva.

In a letter published by Arutz-7, the rav speaks of ?the chareidi community which fears the non observant and their malicious intent to destroy Torah, explaining he does not believe this is so, citing most of the Jews are respectful of the Torah and those who study it. There is however an effort to have the chareidim play a role in sharing in the security and economic burden of the nation.?

?If those who are not learning Torah would enter the IDF or an appropriate program, or simply enter the workplace, this would be sufficient to be acceptable to all involved? Rav Melamed explains. Ultimately, the rav believes the coalition will include Bayit Yehudi and the chareidim, and the progress will be made by agreement, not by coercion.

(YWN ? Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


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Making Money Blogging: Free Online Marketing Technique

By Clare Johnson

Making Money Blogging ? Tips to Get You Started

It?s been years since blogging was actually a popular task carried out and it?s only recently that it has been considered as a popular way to express oneself and a great way to make money online. Lots of young adults enjoy blogging as a means of expressing their emotions, a little place on the internet where they may blurt out whatever is on their mind or whatever makes them feel good. The best part is, it won?t cost you a penny.

How to Start a Blog and Make Money?

A blog site is the utilized term that refers to an internet log of events, story or review. Generally, a blog is an internet diary. It can be set up at no cost whatsoever, and can be used for a way to make money online or just for the fun of it.

Prior to setting up a brand-new blog site, it?s important that you establish your objectives. You will achieve greater success from it if you know from the beginning what it is you want to achieve.

Do you want people to see you as a specialist in your area?

Do you want to be making money blogging and utilize it to market your company?

Are you just doing it for fun as a way to air your opinions and ideas?

The goals of your blog will depend on why you are starting it in the first place. Plan ahead and determine just what you want to accomplish, if anything from blogging in one month, one year, three years down the line. Then style, compose and advertise your site to comply with those objectives.

Making money blogging your online business is one sure-fire means to boost the exposure of your products and services. Below, we have provided a few methods to increase your online advertising with the help of a blog:

1. Make your visitors and clients aware of any modifications on your blog. Your new products and other websites you may own could possibly be announced through your blog site.

2. Track your company objectives and strategies through open writing. Your review content can be easily kept safe via archives. Exactly what could be better than your content being easily referenced by anyone browsing the internet, right?

3. Air your opinions, tips or reviews on particular solutions or items that are associated with your company. Publishing is a really effortless procedure with blogging.

4. Include links that will certainly boost the back links to your site and as a result will subsequently improve your position on search engines. This could be better executed with placing well-written articles on your site. Affiliate links might additionally be featured in your review as another way to make money online.

5. Gather feedback from your visitors on what they think of your blog and ask for suggestions in order to improve your site. Allowing your readers to speak freely and offer their opinions will enhance your blog?s popularity.

6. Connect conveniently with various other blog writers. When other blog writers notice that you have something good on your blog, they will certainly put you in their favorite lists and this will automatically connect you to their blogs.

So, Just How Do You Make Money with a Blog?

There are two ways to get you started in order to make use of this fun way to promote your internet business and get you making money blogging.

Either you select blogging software and do it yourself or your find a hosting service to do it for you. Hosting companies, for example, Typepad and LiveJournal are some of the most popular online today. These type of companies will offer some great guidelines on ways to create your blog and tips on how you can make money blogging online.

Clare Johnson has a successful blog with Empower Network, which offers invaluable internet marketing tips. Want to know how to make money blogging? Reserve your spot for this free webinar? Are you ready to release your inner badass?


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